
I sat here, waiting for the rain,
On a fresh new porch,
I held my brain.

Heavy thoughts filled my mind,
Exhausted, from the
routine grind.

Rains arrival,
I awaited with pleasure,
Cleansing drops,
became my treasure.

I yelled out for
heaven's tear,
All my sorrows,
I hoped it shall clear.

When the very first drop,
hit my head,
Pure excitement,
virally spread.

Came down suddenly,
it started to pour,
My heart and spirit,
began to soar.

Seconds later my life was
cleansed and soaked,
My clear mind,
has been evoked.

2)Rain is something completely pure,

Nourishment it will ensure.
Understands how to sooth and relax,
With unpredictability, it often acts.

Rain is something we shouldn't avoid,
When it's sprinkling, it may be enjoyed.
We may share it with family and friends,
It helps our minds regenerate and cleanse.

Rain is something we should all respect,
When it's angry, we should hide and protect.
It knows how to take but also give,
We must cherish it, as long as we live.
